Thursday 8 January 2015

Really really sick today

Have no idea what's wrong, but it happened after taking my pills again this morning. Incredibly weak, can only stand for a short time before I get really dizzy with head spinning and it feels like my legs are going to collapse under me. Heavy laboured breathing and have to lie back down. Same with sitting up but not quite so bad. Have only just now managed to get up to the point of being able to sit. Well for a bit anyway.

Don't feel with it either. Sort of just wanting to lie down and go to sleep. A bit scary actually.

David's had to go out to his doctor again but at the moment I'm alone. He's getting flashes in his left eye and has been referred to an eye hospital to get it checked out. They run some kind of test to make sure the retina isn't detached. He's going to go tomorrow he told me on the phone as the test affects his vision and he'll need me there with him. Hope I'm OK by then. 

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