Thursday, 29 January 2015

Canberra Lieberal stereotypes and insults online criticisms

Parliamentary secretary to the finance minister is his title, whatever that is. A Mr McCormack, has now joined the fray. He appears to be a far dinkum Abbott supporter, who also is in agreement that the internet is "Electronic Graffiti". One of Abbott's yes men.

So he's taken it further, basically saying that those who criticise Abbott online are simply spoilt brats in inner Sydney and Melbourne. Or as he put it:
Mr McCormack said unlike the "texting, latte sipping, keyboard warriors who frequent the tapas bars of Melbourne and Sydney", "real fair dinkum Australians" in the country didn't have time to tweet all day but had time to reflect at the end of the day and would be unafraid to give the Prime Minister an "honest appraisal" of his work over a shandy. more
Lovely. Just go out to the country because fuck all of them have the internet out there as receptions so bad, so they've not been corrupted by the online virtual consciousness. Just feed them full of corporate crap and you know they're gonna love you, the epitamy of their wealthy subsidy's for trying to farm a desert. Yeah, just get the dumb fuckin hicks to tell you what you want to hear, that'll fix it :s

Or maybe take the online world seriously and don't dismiss the rage coming through at the gov as being fringe edge graffiti. People have more of an idea what's going on in this country from online media that the PM ever had or will have.

But here's some Murdoch media that will shock you :)  Oh I'm loving this shit. The finger pointing is on!


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