Thursday, 29 January 2015

Newman going down in Ashgrove

With just two days left before voting day, Campbell Newman is seriously loosing it in his own seat of Ashgrove. He's now further behind than ever, the two party preferred at just 46 for the Premier. Labor 54. If the polling is accurate Campbell Newman will be booted out of the Queensland parliament leaving the poor old Lieberals with no leader. There will be much wringing of hands in Lieberal ranks this Sat. It looks like it's going to be a Queensland Lieberal bloodbath.

Newman's mate Tone isn't doing too well in Canberra either. Another poll has the federal Lieberals at the same number as Newman, 46/54 to Labor. Some are suggesting that after the Queensland bloodbath will be the time Abbott gets rolled by his party. If so he could be gone by the end of next week.


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