Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Victoms of crime compensation claim accepted

Finally some good news after the trauma of the assault in our own home by my fucked up psycho nephew. David got a call earlier today from the Dept of Justice (oh that sounds so cool somehow) to tell him the application we filled out online for victims compensation for David had been accepted. Excellent!

David will now be awarded a sum of money according to what a magistrate decides as appropriate compensation for being the victim in this crime. A crime which was particularly violent and could well have caused David's death had the punches been slightly differently placed. One in which psycho nephew told the police in lock up that he "couldn't stop punching him". Fuck man, talk about having a screw loose. Pity his girlfriend and baby he has up there in Brisbane. I'd bet my last dollar that he beats her, and it'll only be a matter of time before he lays into the kid.

The Dept of Justice person who rang had contacted the senior constable at the local cop shop here. Said they'd seen the pictures and all I sent to the constable of David's face and blood splattered all over. 

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