Thursday, 22 January 2015

Sick for a week

Have been feeling quite unwell for about a week now. Some days have been better than others, but certainly not OK. There seems to be something going on with my pills, dunno which ones. After I take them in the morning is when it starts. Feeling weak and short of breath and having to lie down until it passes. Or getting waves of hot flushes and nausea. 

The nausea when it happens has been really bad. To the point of not being able to eat anything and spewing up even just water I've drunk. I spewed three days in a row earlier in the week. Even when the water was gone I ended up still dry retching. Horrible. That sort of throwing up where your arms go a bit numb and you have to lie down afterwards from the intensity of it.

Was going to go to the doctors today but it was a morning appt and I had to cancel as I felt too sick to get there. Last thing I want to do is throw up on a bus again! Need to go soon though, am overdue for the quarterly blood tests. I guess I'll have to make an afternoon appt.

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