Thursday 9 April 2015

Abbott has a hissy fit about human rights lawyers FFS!

More love from the christians.....

Tony Abbott, an Australian prime minister who's lost the plot. A christian extraordinaire. One who's gov is likely going to end up before the international criminal court for crimes against humanity along with his fuckwit front bench, has come out with his latest abomination of a quote:
Tony Abbott has said that only the Coalition could stem the flow of asylum seeker boats because other governments would “succumb to the cries of the human rights lawyers”. 

The prime minister admitted that vessels continue to depart for Australia, saying that the government has “largely stopped the boats”, a step back from previous comments indicating they have been stopped altogether. 

“I’m also confident that only this government can keep them stopped because any other government, I suspect, would quickly succumb to the cries of the human rights lawyers and others and what that would mean, very quickly, is that the people smugglers would be back in business,” Abbott told reporters in Gympie in Queensland. 

“I’m determined to make sure that that doesn’t happen. Full stop. “My absolutely clear message to the people smugglers is we are more than a match for you. Our determination to save lives at sea is greater than your determination to profit from putting people’s lives at risk.” more
What a foul person he is. what a fuckin asshole dickhead. What a sickening product of entitlement. How dare this person take Australia down this road.

I suggest he should just fuckin emigrate next door to the Indiana pizza shop who discriminate against gays. US hick town is where this pathetic excuse for a person belongs. He's a waste of breathable air on this planet.

Honestly, I wouldn't give a shit if he dropped dead from total and irreparable stupidity and assholeness tomorrow. He'd deserve it for his crimes.

How in the fuck can someone religious like that who professes christian compassion say something like this? Keep in mind that these evil people he's talking about on the boats have children on said boats. Those kids locked up in insane conditions offshore on surrounding foreign national Islands, with Australian taxpayers footing the bill to the tune of $3billion a year for it. Children being raped by foreign guards employed at these Island jails, without investigation by the Abbott gov; even denial that it even happened. Children locked up to the point of biting their nails to the knuckles. 

The fact that Australia, previously possessing elected gov's that cared about humanity and led the world on such issues, has ended up with a Lieberal gov like this speaks volumes about how fragile treating people humanly can be lost. These are very dark days for Australia. Tony Abbott will be remembered badly in our future, as people look back to the past in 100 years or so. They will realise what a dark past it was. 

Those who don't speak up will also be remembered. For the spinelessness, the lack of human compassion in the name of christianity, that it even happened. Asylum seekers fleeing persecution only to die at the hands of the Australian gov who they came to for help.

How does an asshole like this sleep at night? How do those who support him sleep at night? How could anyone sleep at night knowing what they're doing to fellow human beings for the sake of politics and personal political gain, that gain being achieved by the dumb fuck bogans in western Sydney. To go neocon? To the far extremist right, something foreign to Australia?

Ironically he's likely already lost those bogan votes. Medicare, penalty rates, Grandma, bla..... The west of Sydney has all of these just like the rest of Australia. Bogans like their grannies and don't want to see them hurt. They want to be bulk billed like the rest of us. They like to get paid penalty rates like the rest of us. 


Bla! Grrrrr! 

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