Sunday 23 August 2015

The horror of David's assault - the audacity of the Hearing

I was hoping it wouldn't but it has - happened again. The presenting of the subpoena the other day by the police for the psycho nephew court case, has triggered another round of reliving the event mentally. With each trigger the reliving seems to get worse, not better. This now in the lead up to the remainder of the court Hearing in about a month. 

My witness statement will be the most condemning of psycho after standing watching the whole bashing in full. David was unconscious for some moments of it which makes my testimony all the more important. 

Although it's burnt into my head forever the event, I find it repeating over and over in my head, like a video almost. But it's not just the "video replay" if you like, but there's the feelings and emotions attached to it that it stirs. To see such a thing happen to the one you love in your own home is horrifying beyond words.

At first we were all hilariously surprised (the police and David and I) that they were taking the case to a hearing. With such overwhelming evidence against psycho nephew, it seemed like a joke. Were they actually serious? WTF are they thinking? Perhaps their lawyer is just milking them for money?

But now as it's gone on, these episodes I'm having with it aren't at all funny and have had a significant effect on my mental health. Already fragile as it is. Severe depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, post traumatic stress, even without the bashing. 

I'm so angry at them that they couldn't just man up and admit their mistake. Take the consequences as decided in a fair court of law. But no, they have to claim innocence and put David and I through all of this. 

I've heard nothing from psycho nephew since it's happened, and nothing from my brother (his father). Not a peep. Where is the apology? Where is the concern about my well being over it? Where is any humility at all, or remorse at what they did?

All we've got is lying accusations against David somehow blaming him for it in their own demented heads, wanting to leave the stomping out of the whole case like it didn't happen, and psycho nephews brothers approaching me outside court last time wanting it to be "sorted out nicely" - of which now I consider a veiled threat. 

All this makes my testimony even more important. I remember the events in that hallway still, like yesterday. I want them to know what they've done, to realise the crime committed. This wasn't just some little disagreement in hick town with the odd fist thrown, this was a serious assault. Not to be glossed over or lied about by omission.

I don't plan on letting them off lightly in that regard. My main aim in testifying is to bring home to the courtroom that seriousness. 

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