Sunday 25 May 2014

Abbott's definition of "negotiation" :s

The Abbott gov doesn't have a bloody clue what it's in for in the senate. They actually seem to think that much of the budget will be passed, but they will have to "negotiate" to ensure it does. The pollie speak language they use is telling. For example, here's Pyne:
"We will, of course, seek to consult and negotiate with the minor parties and the crossbenches to ensure these important reforms are delivered," Pyne said. more  
Notice what he actually said. A casual observer would think he said that he was going to negotiate and assume he was going to give in on key measures. Right? Well that's not what he said at all, in reality he's saying the negotiations will be to "ensure" the legislation passes, calling them "important reforms". Classic pollie slight of hand there. 

Then there's Abbott himself, in the same article: 
Compromises were inevitable, though, he said. "You have got to negotiate your legislation through the parliament." more
Another little smartarse bit of pollie double speak. He's not saying he's going to compromise on any of the key issues, he's just talking about getting his budget through the senate. 

He just doesn't seem to have any idea of the level of opposition already built up in the senate over this budget. The other parties are going to block key measures of his budget and they're not going to change their mind about it. No amount of "negotiation" is going to change that.

He's also, surprisingly, showing a huge underestimation of the senate's resolve to oppose much of his budget, come what may. Labor, The Greens, Palmer United, have all said they're willing to go to an election over this budget. Abbott seems blind to it. Tone, don't you get it? He simply dismisses the possibility of a double dissolution election. Is he that stupid?:
Abbott said he was confident the government would get the budget through the Senate in the end, because the alternative would be a double dissolution election. 

"Because let's face it, there have been many governments over many years that have had to negotiate budgets through the Senate. 

"The only time that wasn't successfully done ... that was a different bill in 1975." more  

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