Sunday 2 August 2015

Abbott wrong on history of marriage - ABC FactCheck

It's the lie that just keeps going on and on in the conservative christian world; that marriage was between a man and a woman since time immemorial, so therefore we have no right to mess with it now. 

Even Abbott, well who's not prone to telling the truth anyway, has jumped onto the lie and spreading it as Prime Minister. You'd think someone in that position would at least check the history books first. But no. Even though he holds the position of the Prime Minister of Australia, he chooses to come out with this claptrap. From 2013:
From time immemorial, in every culture that's been known, marriage or that kind of solemnised relationship has been between a man and a woman. more
Seriously? Have any of there nutters actually taken the time to even read their own stupid bible? Let alone the history books. Have they even consulted a scholar or two before getting on the national stage to preach this garbage lie? 

Well the ABC FactCheck has been on the case. I note way back in 2013 as well. I also note the lie still persists, despite FactCheck coming to the obvious conclusion that Abbott was totally wrong to claim this. 
A significant body of academic work shows that marriage and "other solemnised relationships" have not always been between "a man and a woman". Mr Abbott is incorrect. more
The linked article relates to marriage between men in the Roman Empire (including Nero), polygamy as being the most culturally preferred marriage through the ages, female husbands in Africa, twp spirit natve American men, One women and several brothers in Tibet, a man and woman and ghost in China, men and men in South America, and on and on.

Every time I see some christian fuckwit claiming that the current form of marriage was the only one since time immemorial I feel like shouting at them through the screen. *sheesh* 


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