Monday, 10 August 2015

Kids with gay parents compared to "stolen generations" - Australia

Don't you just love it when marriage equality brings out all the haters and looney's? Yes folks, they're right here in Australia too, living amongst us. Just waiting to pop up when their sensibilities are grossly offended by the mere thought of David and I getting married.

Of course we have the same old line "Think of the children!", despite the fact that it goes against research showing that kids raised by gay parents are fine. But don't let research usurp a lie.

The Australian Marriage Forum has taken out a full page add in The Australian newspaper, amongst other things saying that to deny a child a mother is to make them like the Aboriginal stolen generations. I don't know who this insults more; Aboriginals who were of the actual stolen generations, or gays raising kids right now. What a vile thing to say.

*Click to enlarge

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