Sunday 22 October 2017

Bernardi thinks ppl are saying Yes to pollsters when they voted No :s

A No voter scared of political correctness

With strong pointers to a big win for the Yes campaign for marriage equality in Australia, Cory Bernardi isn't giving up. He's dismissing the polling being done showing a 59%/38% Yes win, saying that people are too scared to say to pollsters they voted no.

This of course goes to the persecuted No voter thing where the delicate flowers are claimed to be so scared of a few gays getting married that they can't even utter the word No in private to  pollster. Apparently the machine of the big evil LGBT political movement has got the haters spooked and cowering in corners, unable to express how they really feel for fear of being called names. Like homophobe or bigot. The poor dears can't stand being called that, just because they don't want gays to get married...

Of course anyone that's been online much at all through all of this postal survey process would know Bernardi's claim to be laughable. In fact it's quite the opposite. The haters have been emboldened to really "have their say", particularly from the privacy of their own keyboards. People in public feel it's their right to openly show their anti-gay feelings, as with the school kid saying he was assaulted on a train by an adult male No voter. Or the nephew of Kevin Rudd who was clobbered at a bus stop by a man ripping down equality signs. Hardly cowering and scared.
Cory Bernardi does not accept there will be an overwhelming “yes” vote in the same-sex marriage postal survey, with more than 70% of forms returned. 

The Australian Conservatives leader said he believed people were pressured by political correctness and were saying they voted “yes”, even if they had voted “no”. 

“I’m not even conceding defeat quite frankly,” Bernardi told Sky News on Sunday. “I think there are a great many people who are deeply concerned about the potential consequences of changing the marriage act.” The Guardian  

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