Thursday 25 April 2013

Progressive Christians welcome gay marriage

In contrast to the violence of anti-gay thugs in France, and the homophobic rhetoric here of the Australian Christian Lobby, there are a group of Christians in Australia who support gay marriage. They're called a "Progressive Christian Voice (Australia)".

This may come as a shock to some, but there's many gay people who consider themselves Christians. That's their business if they want to believe in sky fairies (I don't) but the point is that they don't consider being gay a sin. Therefore Christianity can apply to them just as much as straight people.
“More and more we are seeing the quality of the relationships that GLBTI people are forming and are coming to see them to be a good thing,” Catt said. 

“Opening marriage to allow committed same-sex couples to express their commitment is an important way of increasing social cohesion. To have one’s relationship legitimized by the society in which one lives is both encouraging and life-giving.” 

PCVA issued a statement saying traditional Christian teachings put gay people “outside the gate”. 

“LGBT people are ‘othered’ thoroughly by Catholic teachings that they are ‘inclined towards moral evil’ or ‘intrinsically disordered’. 

“Similarly, evangelical doctrine sees being gay as sinful and a rejection of God. These teachings do great violence not only to the many hundreds of thousands of gay Christian people throughout the world and their families, but also to gay people of other faiths and gay people of no faith.” 
Catt also released a PCVA discussion paper on GBLTI issues by Dr Stuart Edser, author of Being Gay, Being Christian, calling on churches “to re-visit their understanding of human sexuality in the light of modern scholarship informed by the sciences and Biblical Studies and theology”. more
So are these people making representation to our political leaders, like that homophobic Jim Wallace of the Australian Christian Lobby? Do these people protest when he craps on like the ignorant bigot he is? Well at least somebody in the Christian world is aware of the church inspired hatred that exists towards gays, and are going about trying to fix it.

Personally I reject all religion, but that's just me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the awesome post here about progressive Christianity. I think it takes a good mind and a real openness to post something positive about a group (the church) you don't much like. So kudos to you. I certainly don't blame any gay person for walking away from the church, especially as you rightly say, the crappy way they have dealt with us all for so long. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you after you mentioned me and my book too. For you and for any of your readers who may be interested, there is a Being Gay Being Christian blog too called the BGBC Blog. Cheers Stuart Edser
