Friday, 7 August 2015

Abbott's fraudulent fundraising trip to Melbourne, paid for by the taxpayer

Abbott has been very open about rorting the system in the past, whatever crap he comes out with now.

This is just last year whilst he was governing the country (apparently). But he still has time for Lieberal fundraising. So it was off on a trip to Melbourne to the fundraising event (taxpayers paying). This however was described by him as a "private event". So he was in a bit of a dilemma then wasn't he, having to cough up out of his own half million $ a year salary the cost of the trip. Oh the humanity!

But then a brainwave somewhere along the line. Go visit officially somewhere to say it's gov business. Bingo. And it was off for an early morning trip to inspect a Melbourne cancer centre. Which he did, photo above. However he made no new announcements and simply bla'd about existing gov policy and how the gov was committed to cancer research, bla bla bla,,,,, Just a bunch of meaningless drivel, but it had to be done though, or he'd have to pay his own way! *faints*

He didn't seem at all bothered that this little bla to rort the money off the gov meant he'd be a touch late for the really really official gov type business in Canberra; the regular party room meeting. Surely this was important? A party room meeting with a late leader? Preposterous!

Well Tone was late. Very late in fact. An entire hour late. 

So he rocks into the meeting finally, and someone asks him sort of WTF? Why are you late for your own fuckin party meeting FFS? Or language akin to that I'd suggest.

Then Abbott casually pops out with it. Like it was nothing. Something that happened all the time. Setting an example perhaps for Bronwyn? Anyway, what he said next stunned many in the meeting. Remember this meeting was between all Lieberal and National party MP's.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott told government MPs he had to schedule an early morning visit to a cancer research centre in Melbourne on Tuesday so that he could justify billing taxpayers to be in the city for a "private function" the night before. 

Mr Abbott made the admission at the regular meeting of Liberal and Nationals MPs after being taken to task by one his own senators for turning up an hour late. 

Several MPs told Fairfax Media that the Prime Minister described the private function as a "fund-raiser" to the party room. 

The issue came to a head when LNP senator Ian Macdonald, who has been a frequent critic of his own side since he was demoted from the frontbench after the election, told Mr Abbott his priority should have been the regular party room meeting, which is held every Tuesday morning when Parliament is sitting. Read more
It's worth mentioning too that this is when he was trying to push through the $7 GP tax for everyone including pensioners, and that the age of entitlement was over

If this isn't fraud, then what is?   

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