Wednesday 28 July 2010

2 Weeks on HIV meds

A busy few days. Haven't even looked online since Sunday.

Saw doc mon about the HIV pills, and it's full steam ahead there. No rash, and the side effects slowing. Today was day one of the double tablets, stayed home from work just to be safe than sorry. Glad as felt quite spaced out again.

Doc explained that as the HIV virus reduces in my body my immune system will start to recognise again normal sorts of sores and cuts and heal them more quickly. That would be great as I've had a lot of problems particularly with a sore mouth, just from gums rubbing against teeth and the like, causing mouth ulcers and redness. At times been very painful and hard to eat.

Went to the monthly support group after that as it was nearby. Have been to a few of them but likely will make that my last at least for a while. It's more for newly diagnosed people really and much of it was simply covering old ground. Interesting discussion about disclosure though. Afterwards I was organised to email the PLC to get info about exactly what to expect with the HIV pills. Haven't quite got round to that yet but will get there.

Gave it a bit of a nudge at the pub last night, a bit too much beer (just for something different). Got home safely though :) Quiet night tonight at home in front of telly. Cold and pouring rain outside. 

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