Thursday 15 July 2010

Side effects start

They happen with all drugs to some level. They don't last once your body is used to the drug.

Today I had weird perceptions. The sound was strange, sort of distant/detached. Like an echo. Like coke, but nowhere near as intense. This on top of me feeling sort of stoned from the happy pill dose as well, when between about 9am-11am at work. Affected my perceptions of what was happening around me too; again, sort of detached. It does appear I'm taking some very heavy drugs.

Also tired,

Goodnight all.


  1. phantomtexasrose16 July 2010 at 13:30

    I sure hope those side effects stop soon. They sound like they could be dangerous to you at work if you aren't very careful. Still glad you have them!

  2. Don't worry darl, I'm well used to working off my face, have been doing it for years! This new off my face is an interesting one though! But yes, today was better than yesterday re the off-my-face-ness.

    (Ugh, a bit disappointing really; I can be rather the connoisseur of drug-ness).

    Shit, I think I'm starting to rave. Pleasant for me but mind numbingly boring for all others......
