Thursday 12 August 2010

One month on HIV meds

Today finished the first lot. Have survived intact :)

Find out Mon the first blood results. Sometimes wonder how I'll feel if these ones aren't doing it and I have some strain of HIV resistant to them. It does happen. They then have to try other meds. Sometimes none of the "first line" ones work at all, and they have to try second line ones; only available if the others haven't worked. Met a couple of people like that at the Positive Living Centre.

It would be ironic that finally after going through all of the crap of recent years, and getting back to a point of not wanting to kill myself, that I would be facing death again. Albeit it wouldn't be a quick one of my own choosing.


  1. phantomtexasrose12 August 2010 at 13:47

    I will be keeping my fingers crossed for good results! Hugs!
