Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Charlie Sheen will help ISIS recruitment - Teabagistan, US

More love from the christians.

Apparently this dickhead doesn't care about Sheen, but has spent the time writing an entire driveling whining article about him announcing his HIV status. In it he claims that the HIV announcement will cause all the tough blokes to recruit to ISIS as the west has become a bunch of namby pamby whiners (projection going on there I suspect).
I must tell you this Sheen story has put me over the edge. 

No WONDER the Islamists of ISIS laugh at us. No wonder they call us infidels in our land of “prostitution and vice.” No wonder they believe they can easily defeat us. 

Look around at what our culture has become. Soft and weak, in the land of “participation trophies” and “safe places” and “gun-free zones.” 

It’s despicable, and makes me want to hang my head in my hands and weep for the great nation that once was. 

But perhaps change is afoot. I pray it is. 

Perhaps Americans are beginning to wake up and say no more. Perhaps that’s the reason Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz lead in the polls. 

Perhaps that’s the reason over half of the states in this nation have said no to accepting Syrian refugees. 

I surely hope so. 

Liberals always bleat, “why do they hate us?” You wanna know why? Because they look at us and see a nation of godless, mushy, gender-confused, whiney wimps who care more about Candy Crush than our own freedom and liberty. allenbwest
Lovely. What a complete nutter :s

Just for the record, HIV doesn't stop at an ISIS flag or a gun. HIV affects everyone, everywhere. 

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