Sunday, 15 November 2015

TERROR!© for votes - Gay hater Cruz beats drums of hate against Syria

US lead airstrike Kobani, Syria
US white man preaches to the US about bombing the fuck out of Syria and hints that Syrian refugees are terrorists. 

Using refugees as political pawns for political gain. I wish I could say I've never experienced this in Australia, but unfortunately the Lieberals here have it down to a fine art.

Cruz seems to forget the US and allies have already bombed the fuck out of Syria. It hasn't worked. In fact it's had the exact opposite effect. Put a bunch of US citizens in a community living under drones and see how long it take for them to become "radicalised" and decide that the drone people are the terrorists.

BTW FOX fuckwits, there's more freedom in the pinky finger of this blog than you have in your whole stupid Murdoch entertainment show! So there :)


Kobani, Syria

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