Saturday, 14 November 2015

Pastafarian victory! - colander licence picture allowed!

The latest victory for the Flying Spaghetti Monster comes from the US, where a lady has been allowed to put on the FSM sacred head wear for her licence photo.
Miller filed for an appeal immediately after the August incident. Through a friend, she enlisted the help of Patty DeJuneas, a member of the Secular Legal Society, a network of lawyers that assist the American Humanist Association. 

DeJuneas said in a telephone interview that every religion deserves protection under the First Amendment, even if others think a certain sect may be “ridiculous.” 

“I’m not a Pastafarian. But my understanding, and my view of it, is that it’s a secular religion that uses parody to make certain points about a belief system,” DeJuneas said. 

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, according to its website, first “came into the mainstream” in 2005. The international movement, which has its own gospel, says it’s not making an anti-religious statement by advancing a set of outlandish beliefs. 

The group, which subscribes to the idea that an invisible creature made from cooked noodles could be responsible for gravity, sells itself as all-inclusive, which attracted Miller in the first place. The Boston Globe

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