Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Team Abbott in exile - does dummy spit over Turnbull's TERROR!© "softness"

Without the shackles of actually being the gov, Team Abbott has gone about frothing at the mouth over Turnbull's alleged lack of hardness over the Paris attacks. Abbott wants our troops on the ground, along with ousted defence minister Peter Andrews. Andrews has gone positively bananas extremist. Showing his true colours now, he's making himself look ridiculous.

See Turnbull dared to agree with the president of our closest ally the US. Oh the humanity!  Andrews thinks, as well as is saying, that Obama is way too soft and now that Turnbull agrees with him he's too soft too (Obama must be scratching his head over it all). I've no doubt in my mind now that Abbott offered our planes to bomb Syria rather that Obama asking.

To think we had these nuts in charge of our country :s
Mr Turnbull added insult to the right’s injury by agreeing with the president. He even talked of “complexity” and the genuine grievances of the Sunnis, grievances that are being ruthlessly exploited by Islamic State. 

Mr Andrews believes Mr Obama has abdicated American leadership, and by implication his Australian acolyte Mr Turnbull is complicit in the failure. 

According to the newly-relegated Liberal backbencher, Paris was the last straw. He is unapologetic for any perception he could be undermining his new leader. 

“What happened in Paris last week changed everything. I’ve got an ongoing role as a member of parliament to speak out on these issues and I will,” Mr Andrews told ABC TV. 

It is hard not to conclude that Kevin Rudd-style destabilisation of the PM is underway. 

It is curious. 

Throwing the switch to khaki and trying to scare the pants off the nation didn’t save Mr Abbott’s leadership. Why he thinks it can restore his fortunes is surely delusional. The New Daily   

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