Tuesday 19 September 2017

Gov MP says "No" isn't looking down on gay relationships - Q&A (video)

And he had to audacity to say that to a gay couple in the audience. 

He also says that voting No doesn't mean you're a homophobe.

The very definition of homophobe is "a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality" The simple fact that a straight person doesn't want gays to have the same rights as them shows they're fearful of us doing so. That's why they keep banging on about "the consequences" argument to play on the fears of people in the electorate that if LGBT people get married that children will be corrupted by gayness, and that because gays are accepted in marriage then they'll be more accepted in other parts of society. Oh the humanity! That would mean society would pressure them to be more accepting as well. The stuff of homophobic nightmares folks! 

The truth is they do look down on our relationships. They don't want ours to be equal to theirs. For MP Sukkar to say he doesn't when he doesn't want our relationships equal to his in law is nonsensical and an outright lie. Not that a politician has ever been known to lie before 😁

BTW, I thank Turnbull for more of this drivel coming out of the No side.


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