Wednesday 20 September 2017

Roger Corbett's cringeworthy interview against LGBT marriage (video)

Corbett is the former manager of Woolworths in Australia and is promoting the No vote in the postal survey. This interview was on the ABC's 7:30 report which goes nationwide across the country.

It has been generally described as "embarrassing".

But what would you expect? The No case has no logical argument against David and I marrying. When they do try to muster together something akin to an argument they end up looking completely stupid. As in this case.

His notion that marriage is only for straights and that gays should have their union called something else but with the same legal standing is bullshit. That's not equality.

I also noticed he said he was scared. Of what? Same old irrational fear of gays = homophobia. 

All in all his arguments are nonsensical and built out of his fear of us. No wonder people say the interview in embarrassing  😄


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