Friday 15 September 2017

"Stop The Horror" short film - for voluntary assisted dying campaign (video)

I've posted the half minute trailer below, but as the video is R rated you have to go to the link here

It's about a man who dies of brain cancer and him and his family suffering terribly through the ordeal despite the best of care. Victoria is soon to vote on a voluntary assisted dying bill in their parliament. As usual the Australian Christian Lobby is against it.

It's hard to describe what loved ones go through when their family member dies such a long drawn out death with so much suffering involved. Visiting my late wife in hospital for her last nine months I could certainly tell some stories of horror. In the end that suffering haunts you after the death for years and turns the grieving experience in to a horror story of it's own. Her suffering ended when she died, thankfully. Ours went on for my daughter and I.


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