Saturday 16 October 2010

The other side of the story; gay suicides

I was never worried much at all about investigating the other side of my sexuality after my wife died. After all I live in Eastern Sydney which has the 2nd highest per capita gay population in the world after San Fransisco. People are very accepting and tolerant here, even of me being HIV+ let alone gay. Last year being suicidal wasn't anything about my sexuality but simply not being able to deal with the pain I'd been exposed too. 

In that sense I found US Councilman Joel Burns's speech on YouTube immensely moving. Not only does he speak of that place of pain where things are so bad that suicide seems the only option, but he speaks for the other side of the political story in a very personal way; of being gay and being on the receiving end of gay hatred. I understand where he's coming from on both levels, particularly regarding suicide. For me it wasn't because of my sexuality, but as with those gays who suicided it was the pain that was too much for me to bear; pain for whatever reason.

And I do understand to some extent what others face who aren't as fortunate to live in such a progressive and accepting community as me. I've been involved in online political discussions where the high rate of suicides among gays was put forward as an indication of how wrong it was to be so. No mention or understanding that the reason for the suicides is often the very hatred expressed by the same person. They point to suicides as being a bad thing about being gay, when they themselves are the very fucking reason for it. 

It's no fun coping that sort of intolerance and hatred. We are people, just like everyone else. We have the same hopes, dreams as all. We shouldn't be singled out and used as a political football. Or hated just because of who we are. Luckily I was in a mature enough position and society not to be hurt by such people. Others are not so. Young and sensitive, vulnerable people..... 

This is the other side of the story.

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