Sunday, 12 January 2014

A Christian clobbers Bernadi

With everyone lining up with their Bernadi baseball bats to have a go at him, now even the Christians are clobbering:
But Senator Bernardi’s latest spray at single mums, industrial relations laws and Islam this week not only offends, oh, everyone, but also conflates religion and politics in a dangerous and misleading way. It’s not the first time I’ve had to watch people draw conclusions about Christianity based on the statements and actions of public Christians — which totally makes sense, as they’re supposed to be representatives of their faith. But it means they’re missing out on a bigger, better picture.

It’s this vitriol that is the most worrying. Christians are encouraged to be good witnesses for Jesus, following his example of self-sacrificial love and care for the marginalised. Conflating a defence of marriage and an attack on step-families (and throwing in a call for flexible IR laws) only serves to further confuse and alienate those who aren’t familiar with the Bible’s teachings about God’s love for the world. It’s easy to listen to a figure like Cory Bernardi and, in the absence of many outspoken positive alternatives, assume that this is what all Christians are like. Please, I hope that you won’t. more
Of course Christianity to me is all a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but wow, a Christian actually goes online and says that Bernadi isn't representative of all of them. We certainly need more of this! Please? I don't know how many times I've been so frustrated with Christians who say they're not all like that, only to see far right bigotry go without further comment from other Christians.

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