Sunday 19 January 2014

Long time ago, in another life....

It was the last week of my wife's life. I'd been to visit her every day in the last 10 months and had follwed her long decline to death. Now everyone knew.

My 15 year old daughter was in the car as I drove her there that day. She was angry and started arguing with me about her mother. Even though her school had been across the road from the hospital during her mother's nine month stay, she barely saw her, visiting only ocassionally. She just sort of got used to her mum being in hospital. But now it was the end. She always thought her mum would be there for her, that she'd get better again after another hospital stay. Now she was on her deathbed in a nursing home......

Daughter said to me "Why is she letting herself die?" 

I didn't know what to say. She'd hung on through more pain than I can imagine for longer than I could've imagined. Her illness had overwhelmed her, even though she was only 49. I tried to say something like that she'd already tried not to die. This was life that death was part of it. But it didn't come out very well and she remained angry.

To this day. She's now 23 years old. 

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