Sunday, 12 January 2014

Congress fast tracks the TPP

This shit makes my blood boil. More on the Trans Pacific Partnership.

From what I can gather from that video, it seems that asshole Obama is trying to put the US in a stronger negotiating position with countries like us. From here it looks like the inner machination s of a gov taken over by the corporate world.

I dunno WTF it's going to take to get it through that fuckin thick head of Obama's, but we do not want to sacrifice our sovereignty to multinational corporations, get it? No matter how much fast tracking there is inside the domestic US, nothing will change that. Our gov is already being sued by Philip Morris for our plain smoke packaging laws, through a smaller "free trade" agreement with Hong Kong. What the fuck will the corporations do to us in open slather?

Besides, things are going so badly for the Abbott gov that if the right for corporations to sue our gov remains in the Trans Pacific Partnership "agreement" and he agrees to it, I'd guess an election will be on the cards. It already is as there's already been talk of the senate blocking supply of legislation.

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