Saturday 15 September 2012

Muslims turn violent in Sydney

Protesting over that film "Innocence of Muslims", there has been violent clashes with police in the Sydney CBD. At the moment it's not clear if it's over yet but it seems that police are regrouping and bringing in more vehicles. 

The film itself is one I've not seen, but judging by the bits and pieces of it around on the internet it appears to be the most abysmally produced piece of crap. It likely would have passed into obscurity by now with no one bothering about it, had nobody bothered protesting about it.

I'm not a fan of the police here, and it's likely the cops have over reacted. I've been to protests in the past here where they've done exactly that. In this case however, it seems there's hot heads on both sides. What's shocked me about the whole thing is this photo, and the image I predict will go right round Australia very quickly:

I never thought I would ever see anything like that here. What is wrong with these people?

There's going to be a huge backlash against them over this. Australians don't appreciate this sort of thing at all. Particularly when we had absolutely nothing to do with the movie.


  1. It's a sad, sad day in Australia. The cultural divide is becoming more and more evident. As the government pushes to make Twitter trolls accountable they should take a long hard look at these individuals too. Double standards I fear.

  2. There's a lot of video and photos of it all. I'd say there'll be more arrests coming, as in the Cronulla riots. These people need to realise that this is Australia, not the fuckin Middle East.
