Monday 24 September 2012

Doctor visit, medical assessment

Seeing the Dr later on today. I have to get him to fill out the medical assessment for the form from hell; proving once again to another gov dept that yes I'm HIV+ amongst other things and am really fucked up. It's a bit depressing actually, I mean I know I'm fucked up and having to prove it again means revisiting that fucked up-ness again. Dunno what it is, but for this form I just can't get motivated about it and got some kind of mental block.

Might ask him about my shoulder and neck pain while I'm at it, if I remember. It's better than it was, but it's been 3 months since I stopped working and some doays has been hurting very badly. Have been using way less Panadol (the magic elixir) last few weeks so I suppose that's something. I assume it's simply tight muscles from work. 

I better get other things together as well for the form from hell, as I have the review of how it's all going filling out the bloody thing this Thursday. Still waiting on support letters. Ugh, I have to print out my entire bank history for the last whole month too. I think that's a bit silly with the working account, fuck I use a debit card all the time now (instead of an evil credit card) and not much cash, the last months transaction will be fuckin pages and pages. Oh well, I guess that's what they want....

Have filled out all the bits of the form that I felt I could answer with no doubting what the question was on about. There's a few that I've left blank and will have to ask about on Thursday.

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