Wednesday 19 September 2012

Gay marriage = "bestiality"....

I think it must be time for a gay riot? I reckon we could do a lot better than those silly thugs on the weekend. Imagine how colourful our riot would be! And much more entertaining. Unlike the weekend thug riot though, our riot wouldn't be about defending some religious figure from ages ago with some sort of imaginary super powers being insulted, but about we ourselves being insulted.

May I present the Coalition senator Bernadi:

He's looking dreadfully scared, and a touch paranoid? His eyeballs are it appears, trying to see behind him. All the signs of a homophobe here, he looks like he's expecting any minute to be pounced on by some raving lunatic gay bloke who's going to bust his ass or something. Don't worry dearie, we're actually very civilised. No means no, you know. Alas, I don't think he thinks of us as civilised. 

They're currently debating in Canberra now about gay marriage coming in across Australia. It's likely to fail because of that horrible Tony Abbott, who won't allow his Coalition/Liberal party to have a conscience vote on it and telling them all they must tow the party line against gay marriage (what a prick). We'll see though as one senator is already going to cross the floor over it, but I'm not holding my breath. In the debate all the shit arguments that have ever been invented are slowly being dragged out for the bazillionth time (I've not heard "the sky will fall" yet though). One of those being that it'll open the door to legalise bestiality:
LIBERAL Senator Cory Bernardi has suggested legalising same sex marriage would lead to demands for bestiality to also be sanctioned.

Speaking in Parliament last night on a gay marriage bill sponsored by four Labor senators, Senator Bernardi said the push for same-sex marriage was part of an attack on ''our enduring institutions.''

''It is another chip in the fabric of our social mores,'' he said. ''The time has come to ask, when will it end? If we are prepared to redefine marriage … what is the next step?''

''The next step … is having three people that love each other should be able to enter into a permanent union endorsed by society, or four people. There are even some creepy people out there, who say that it's OK to have consensual sexual relations between humans and animals. Will that be a future step?'' Read more
Way to go Bernadi, you have now shown yourself to all of Australia as a paranoid raving lunatic fool, who can't even muster his own argument but has to import it from overseas. Do you really think the broad minded thinkers that most Australians are, are going to accept an argument dreamed up in the ultra-conservative Bible bashing cesspool of the American far right? *Sheesh* How stupid does this nut job think Australians are? 

It'd be better if he just come out (pun intended) that he's a fuckin homophobe. I think he'd get more respect over that, at least he'd he'd get points for honesty. But to come out and say that gay marriage will lead to gays marrying their poodles as well, fuckin hell man... What a complete and utter idiot.  

On the plus side, Cameron and Faulkner put it very well:
But another Labor senator, Doug Cameron, said arguments about children being disadvantaged by being brought up be same-sex couples ''denies the reality of some children facing absolutely terrible lives with heterosexual couples''. 

Labor Senator John Faulkner said the debate was not really about the value of marriage, or its role in society. ''It is a debate on the simple question of whether it is right for a government to deny some of its citizens access to a secular, government-recognised status on the basis of the gender of the person they choose to share their life with,'' he said. 
read more

The bill was defeated in the lower house. Fuckin typical.....

Although Bernadi resigned as Abbott's parliamentary secretary over his bestiality comments. Hah! Good fuckin job man.
In a press conference at midday today, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said he had a conversation with Senator Bernardi after his remarks. "As a result of that conversation, he offered his resignation and I accepted his resignation," he said.

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