Saturday 1 September 2012

What an insult

It's been big news here all for the last few days. It has been deep shock across Australia. Disbelief. It has been the cold blooded murder of 3 Australian soldiers by an Afghanistan ally. He has so far eluded all authorities efforts to catch him (even though they know exactly who he is) after he fled the scene. He was trusted and had nothing in his past to indicate he would do this. All three of them were from the Brisbane barracks. They grew up together from the same community. 

I know war is a terrible thing and all. And I know the West is unpopular there. And I know people get killed in war.

But you don't think you'd be killed by a mate. Or someone you thought was a mate. For Kiwis and Australians, the horror of war is understandable. We've been there before. But to be betrayed by a mate for us is incomprehensible. This is why now, recoiling aghast, a big majority want us to now get out of there.

Fucks sake, we're there trying to help these people, for whatever reason were or were not legitimate in the past, but nevertheless we are now there for their good. Only it seems if they want us there, which they obviously don't. 

Leave these fuckwits to themselves. Let them have their own fuckin civil war, let them evolve as a nation. Give them the freedom to succeed or fail. Let them blow themselves to bits. Whatever. Those who survive will have a nation of their own, not one propped up by a foreign power both politically and physically. And FFS stop selling these Neanderthals weapons!

But I digres......

So after Australia now is in the grip of some kind of national grief over this, what do we get? Hillary bloody Clinton, that's who.

She's down the South Pacific now kissing ass to all and sundry. Apparently the South Pacific is the new American frontier, relatively not so built up with American bases as the other side of the world is. What an opportunity! Um, the pollies over there are getting paranoid now I think as they see America's power waning, so they want to invade down under with their military projection. 

In response to these deaths, we got Hillary ringing our Prime Minister Gillard to wish condolences. What a fuckin insult

America doesn't understand us at all. If they did they'd be having Obama himself ringing, not that ageing Hillary. Followed by a visit to Australia. For more than a few hours. Anything less than that is in my opinion an insult, and a deep one.

Why the fuck are we in this stupid war? On the other side of the world? For a superpower that has lost the plot years ago? To be betrayed by an ally? To be insulted by the superpower?

It's time to "cut and run".

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