Thursday 24 July 2014

Tax office to the rescue

He's got so little work last year from the assholes at his work, that David fell under the tax free threshold and all the tax he paid for the year he just got back yesterday. Talk about fuckin timing.

So there you go, we don't have to use the credit card for the rent this week :)  Abject poverty has been fended off for the time being.

Actually it is starting to look pretty serious. We'll be in danger of losing the house if things don't start improving soon. Paying the rent and all the bills on the credit card doesn't bode well. Hmmmm. Maybe I should look into applying to Housing again.

Hey Joe! How about you come and give us a hand here? We need someone to do some heavy lifting! Get off your fat smokin ass and do something. Come and see how us pensioners really live....

Um, the infamous birth certificate we are told will arrive today by super duper delivery. We shall see. 

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