Sunday 15 July 2018

The aftermath begins - Trump's visit to the UK (video)

Well what a couple of days it's been. I've spent much of the time that I've been online laughing my head off at the hilarious protests coming out of the UK for Trump's visit. 

If the US didn't know before just how much the public outside of the US despises Trump, they should certainly do now. Much of the reason Trump was elected was because an inward looking population decided the rest of the world no longer mattered. It was all "America first", and fuck the rest of the world with their evil people wanting a better life in the US.

But alas for that view, the US isn't an island able to separate itself from the world with a wall. Especially after spending decades interfering in other countries politics for the sake of their "exceptionalism". Indeed Trump gave new meaning to interfering in British politics with this visit. With an ally like the US currently, who needs enemies?

Trump was a bull in a foreign policy china shop. He smashed his blundering way through the whole visit, even walking in front of the Queen FFS! I don't care less about her but the disrespect was horrendous! Not to mention his insulting of prime minister Theresa May, before bumbling off in his helicopter to escape once again to a golf course. The man is a complete and utter buffoon. Facebook has a lot to answer for. 

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