Thursday, 14 March 2013

Should the police march in Mardi Gras again?

People are angry about the way the cops policed the Mardi Gras. Seemingly untouchable, they appear to have the freedom to bash you and get away with it. Here we have another internal police enquiry over this years police efforts to thwart somebody tickling people and another crossing the road, and in all likely-hood they'll get a slap on the wrist and nothing will be done. They will be free again to commit violence against the community.

As I've mentioned, I'm not going to the community forum this week to discuss policing practices for future Mardi Gras. I've given up on the cops. Time after time things happen and nothing changes. We get the same old lines off them over and over. They lie and collude together when in court. I've got no trust in them whatsoever.

Now the question is being raised in the gay community that perhaps the police shouldn't be invited to march in next years parade.
That leaves me with one final thought about the march and its history. Think about this carefully: What would happen if the parade reverted back to a march to protest the oppression of queer people? We saw it at the protest against police brutality in Sydney. What side were the police on? They were no longer supporters, but were on the other side of the barricades; a place where they’ll always end up. 

With that in mind, maybe we should re-consider our invite to the police at next year’s parade. more
That'd be fine with me. It'd at the very least be a strong protest statement about how people feel about the cops. Something within our control to throw back at them. 

David isn't quite a disillusioned as I am, but even he's had problems with the cops. When him and his ex had a huge argument during their split up, the police were called and attended the home. Not bothering to find out the details of the situation (Tim is schizophrenic) they put the blame on David and arrested him, naked, and threw him in the back of a paddy wagon. At one point a female officer touched him with her finger and said "You just assaulted a police officer". Fuckin bitch. It was only later when it all went to court that the facts came out.

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