Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Changes to DSP announced at Centrelink

I dunno how long it's been there on the website but I saw the new page when I was looking for a Centrelink number. It's announcing the new rules for the Disability Support Pension as of the 1st July. 

It's very much targeting people under 35 who were assessed for the DSP before the tough new rules introduced by Labor came into effect (BTW I was assessed under the new rules). They will be reassessed if they're not "manifestly" disabled and have to enter into something called a "Participation Plan" which includes regular interviews until 35yrs old.

It goes on. Here's the Centrelink link all about it. It's certainly the big stick approach. The inference is that if you're under 35 you have to prove you're not a bludger or some shit.
From 1 July 2014, the government will introduce compulsory work-focused activities for DSP recipients under age 35 who have an assessed work capacity of at least 8 hours per week. Activities will be focused on support to prepare for, find and maintain employment and could include connecting with an employment service provider, work experience, education and training, or rehabilitation activities to overcome individual barriers. DSP recipients who do not complete their activities may have their payment suspended or cancelled. If this applies to you, we will discuss this with you at your next participation interview and work with you to include the compulsory activities into your DSP Participation Plan. more  

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