Friday 17 October 2014

Unexpected call from New Zealand

Definitely a surprise. One of my older brothers (who recently visited Sydney for the first time for one night staying at my sisters place, and we had a restaurant meal with them) rang me last night at my place. Luckily I'd had a couple of relaxing beers or I might have fainted.

I'd actually given up on him ever contacting me. We'd exchanged emails and I set about trying to start an email conversation with him when he was back in New Zealand. Nothing. I asked my sister if his email was working, she didn't know. After about two months one of his daughters replied to my email saying that her father hardly ever checked his email. 

Good grief. WTF is it with Kiwis and the internet? Talk about living in the dark ages. I mean this brother is only 4 years older than me and seems barely getting the hang of the ball point pen :s  Says he'd rather talk to people than email. WTF? Hello, I'm in Australia. I wonder if he's even heard of Skype? 

Anyway so he's coming over around Christmas to visit his son in Brisbane and wants to come and spend a few days in Sydney whilst here. My sister and her husband will be away then so he rang me (*sigh* - always the bridesmaid). He asks about staying with us. We say that's fine there's still the (cursed) spare room that my daughter trashed upon moving out. Got a double bed and all in there. He gives cautious agreement and says he'll consider it.

I say we can do the tourist thing and go out on the harbour and all, but he sounds much more interested in going out in Sydney and meeting women. Oh how quaint :)  We say that he's welcome to come to a pub in Oxford St with us as there's lots of straight girls go to gay pubs. And then I hear this slight tinge of fear in his voice..... A gay pub? ....... The poor dear has spent his whole life in the alternate universe that country New Zealand can be. Can't blame him for that. Mind you I fled early on at 17 and never went back. 

He's very open minded however and soon was fine. We ended the conversation with him giving a pretty definite yes that he's come and stay. 

How interesting that would be. My country bumpkin older brother being taken out by his younger gay brother and partner to gay Sydney. Stay tuned :) 

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