Sunday 19 October 2014

China is now the worlds biggest economy

Well it has happened. The US is no longer king of the castle, as China takes on the mantle of the worlds largest economy. Yes folks, the times they are a changing.

There's a general trend away now from the US and it's crazy economic ideology. Honestly, China and Russia must be collectively scratching their head at what those fuckin looneys are up to in Washington. Not to mention Canberra, indeed Pravda described Abbott to a T, being in the hands of corporate interests.

So whilst the west is locked into an almost financial civil war with itself as the capitalist corporations have a go at usurping our sovereign gov's for the mighty $, China, Russia, India see our folly and are going about things in their own way. Not bound by corporate doctrines, their economies are doing much better than ours. In fact economies always to better with gov involvement, despite what the Washington maniacs will say. In essence, the west has lost the economic plot.

The new economies will be in the east and the Asia Pacific. 
Especially as, in addition to crossing this threshold, the US, after having tried to impress the world with an overflowing militarism during the Ukrainian crisis, is revealing a major strategic weakness in its “management” of the Iraqi crisis. A strong-arm policy which seemed to require the world to remain under US tutelage for an as yet undefined time is coming to an end. 

Both these two indicators enable us to see the beginnings of a major turning point in the unfolding of the global systemic crisis: a tilt from a US world to a Chinese world… more  

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