Friday, 21 November 2014

British conservatives clobber Abbott

The G20 fallout rolls on with no sign of abatement. Seems like they're all lining up to say what a fuckwit Abbott is. Who'd have thought those revolting UK conservatives would be having a go too, but they are. 

Makes me wonder, if this is what's happening in the public arena what must they be saying to him out of the spotlight? Bad lapdog Tone, bad boy.....
The attitude of Prime Minister Tony Abbott to the global challenges of climate change is "eccentric", "baffling" and "flat earther", according to a group of senior British Conservatives. 

The group, including Prime Minister David Cameron's Minister for Energy and a former Thatcher Minister and chairman of the Conservative Party, says Mr Abbot's position on climate change represents a betrayal of the fundamental ideals of Conservatism and those of his political heroine, Margaret Thatcher. 

In a series of wide-ranging, separate interviews on UK climate change policy with The Age, they warn that Australia is taking enormous risks investing in coal and will come under increasing market and political pressure to play its part in the global battle against climate change. 

Their comments come almost 25 years to the day since former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher addressed the United Nations to place climate change on the global environmental agenda. "It is mankind and his activities which are changing the environment of our planet in damaging and dangerous ways," she said Read more  

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