Saturday, 15 November 2014

Sister to the $rescue

Got a call from my long lost sister in the inner west of Sydney. Haven't heard from her and her husband for ages. She's a school teacher and he's some sort of professor. Turned out she had bowel cancer, luckily caught in time but still very dramatic and worrying for them.

Anyway we got to talking about everything, and I explained some of what's been going on with David and I. Without even asking she wanted to help out with the credit card of ours. Turns out they've become very well off. 

She was annoyed that I'd not rung her much earlier for help. That's just me though. She's the only one I ever really got on with out of our whole family, but as if I would ask her for thousands? It's just not me to do that. My view is that after paying taxes through the nose for 30 years then I should be supported by the gov not her.

There are rather extenuating circumstances on this occasion though. As we explained to her, we'd not be in this position if not for David's work discriminating against his HIV. Therefore when it comes to calculating damages in the lawsuit then all these survival matters that were necessary because of them will need to be addressed. I've had to take money out of my super. David's had to sell the odd thing at auction to get a few $. My sister contributing to our $floatation will become another cost to address. 

So as she asked, I emailed a snip of the dreadful state of our finances from the online banking thing. Not a pretty picture at all I must say. I'll leave it up to her how much she wants to contribute. When David said $10,000 however she appeared to consider that a rather small amount :s 

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