Sunday, 23 November 2014

QLD Lieberal corruption - in bed with coal and gas

This is the Queensland gov that wants to build one of the worlds largest coal mines in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef. A gov rotten to the core. Does it get any clearer than this?
Lock the Gate president Drew Hutton said the Newman government had made the system of environmental protection around mines “so heavily weighted in favour of proponents that it is virtually impossible for other stakeholders to have any hope of having their concerns addressed”. 

That system had been “broken for many years”, he said, adding there had “never been a coal mine in the history of this state that has been through the approvals process and rejected on environmental grounds”. 

“Instead of attempting to remedy this, the Newman government has taken a chainsaw to the ramshackle system under the cloak of removing red and green tape, leading the observer to believe [it] must consider the public interest to always and completely align with the private interest of the developers,” Hutton said. 

“In short, the Newman government has reduced environmental regulations to a low level that has not been seen in Queensland for decades.” He said the Newman government had tried to “freeze the community” out by passing laws that made it impossible for all but directly affected landholders “to object to a mining project in court”.


Lock The Gate’s submission also detailed some $17,324 worth of hospitality given to senior Queensland government bureaucrats by mining companies in the two years to September 2014. 

They ranged from private meals to State of Origin corporate box seats to bottles of wine and Christmas hampers. more
The article also goes into the senate inquiry uncovering secret donations to the Lieberal party from coal seam gas companies, despite Lieberal denials.

So this is what the Reef is up against. A gov system that has never seen a coal mine not go ahead because of environmental danger. Everything gets approved. To me it looks like the only way to save the Reef is to fire the Lieberal gov up there. They're beyond redemption. 


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