Sunday, 16 November 2014

Gormless Abbott whinges about $7 GP tax - G20

I dunno how the hell he wasn't laughed out of the room. He honestly seems to think that people believe what he's saying. That charging pensioners to see the doctor will somehow return the surplus. Or driving people to suicide with no money for 6 months will deliver 2% growth.

Get ready for another spectacular Abbott poll dive. "Wasteful spending programs"? *pffffft* Looking after the sick and old, how terribly "wasteful".

BTW, speaking of wasteful spending programs, how about sacking our PM then? 
Abbott then spoke of his own record in abolishing the carbon tax, stopping “illegal” asylum-seeker boats, building roads and repairing the budget. His budgetary goal, he said, was proving “massively difficult” because “it doesn’t matter what spending program you look at, it doesn’t matter how wasteful that spending program might appear, there are always some people in the community who vote, who love that program very much”. 

He nominated deregulation of higher education fees and the introduction of a Medicare co-payment as especially difficult, but necessary reforms. 

Shorten issued a statement denouncing Abbott’s speech as “a disastrous missed opportunity for Australia”. 

“This was Tony Abbott’s moment in front of the most important and influential leaders in the world and he’s whingeing that Australians don’t want his GP tax,” the opposition leader said. “This was his opportunity to show why Australia should be considered a world leader; he’s had months to prepare for this moment. Instead he boasted of taking Australia backwards on climate change action, making it harder for Australians to go to university and pricing sick people out of getting the healthcare they need.” more  

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