Tuesday 20 October 2015

A CIA torture victim is sueing the US psychologists behind it

Look western world. Look at what the US has done in our name. No longer the "light on the hill", they are the evil on the hill.


Related to the above, an innocent fisherman ended up being tortured by the CIA, after being caught in Bush's dragnet of TERROR!©

Here he gives his story of being tortured at the hands of the US; many in the US still considering it to be a "light on the hill". In this case it was a daily light in the face.

The video shows the psychologists involved, who are now being sued by this man for inventing the whole US program of torture. After they had gained research information by torturing animals, they now tried experimenting on human beings. Yes, the US used to war on TERROR!© to conduct torture experiments on innocent people. We're talking similar shit of Hitler experimenting. My how power corrupts.

So who are the fuckin terrorists then? 


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