Saturday 17 October 2015

"Socialism leads to mass genocide" - US presidential candidate Rand Paul

Ha ha ha ha ha...... Good grief, what a total fruit cake :s

So Republican Presidential candidate Rand Paul, when commenting on that Bernie Sanders Democrat candidate (who's getting quite a bit of attention over there advocating dastardly evil things like universal health care and the like) does this little rave about socialism, like it's some big evil boogeyman. He actually says, I kid you not, that socialism leads to "mass genocide". Far out.

I dunno what happened here in Australia then. Democratic socialism has been part of the political landscape here for a long long time. Capitalism does need a bit of regulation and toning down at times you know. Otherwise it's just survival of the fittest and hardly a kind, caring society that helps each other.

I think Abbott is about the only pure capitalist nutbag we've had as prime minister, in recent memory anyway. That's why we hated him so much. I mean seriously, getting pensioners to pay to see a doctor? Just wasn't going to happen. Even Howard, the great 11 year Lieberal PM, was very socialist in a lot of ways. Big handouts to middle income Australia, targeted to get him more votes of course.


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