Saturday, 9 January 2016

Obama is disarming us to side with ISIS! - christians

Far out! This has to be some of the craziest wacky bananas bullshit that I've ever seen come out of the christian loonys. Remember, these are the same people saying how terribly dastardly evil gay people are.

So it goes sort of like this, if I actually followed the mental jumps correctly there. Islam isn't peaceful because Jim Bakker had some revelation from a 2,000 year old bible book that says so. Islam acts peaceful but then goes bananas violent. The Islamist's are plotting evilly against the US. Parts of the US gov are on their side. ISIS has sleeper cells in every US state, and have weapons stored everywhere (yes even in mountain bunkers). They will soon go ape shit violent and there'll be gun massacres across the US and the US will "burn". The gov is trying to disarm the US to help ISIS.

*Good grief*

Implied I think is "Buy Bakker's buckets of slop food for the coming doom" 


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