Saturday, 30 January 2016

We now have the numbers in parliament for a yes marriage equality vote

With the news from Australian Marriage Equality that we now have to votes in the federal parliament to pass the legislation, Australian Marriage Equality has teamed up with GetUp to demand the legislation be passed. 

The alternative is a $160 million plebiscite which has no guarantee Turnbull gov ministers will vote for it. More and more obviously a complete waste of money and time.

From a GetUp email:
The case for holding a costly national plebiscite on marriage equality is becoming weaker by the day. 

In today's Sydney Morning Herald we confirmed the breaking news that - after a lengthy analysis of public and private positions on marriage equality - we finally have the numbers to win a Free Vote. 

Earlier in the week, we learned the Australian Christian Lobby sees the costly plebiscite tactic as a successful way of "kicking the issue into the long grass" and "blunting the momentum" for marriage equality. This news just one day after prominent coalition Senators Cory Bernardi, Eric Abetz, and Bridget McKenzie revealed they had no intention of honouring the wishes of Australians and the results of a public vote on the issue of marriage equality. 

These developments highlight not only the division in government over this issue, but also the need for a fair and quick process by which to achieve marriage equality. Instead of spending $160 million taxpayer dollars on an expensive public opinion poll that we now know will be ignored by some of our elected leaders, and that many see as a delay tactic, let's call on our government to settle this in Parliament once and for all. 

We are working with our friends at GetUP to call on Prime Minister Turnbull to hold a Free Vote on marriage equality, will you join us? 

We all know a plebiscite won't only be financially costly. It'll be the catalyst for a prolonged and ugly campaign that mental health experts fear will cause harm to vulnerable youth in our community. 

Tony Abbott originally proposed the idea of a plebiscite, and each day it's becoming more clear that this was a cynical plan, designed to put off reform. We can't let that happen. 

The Parliament already has the backing of the public to vote on this issue, and now they also are ready to vote for equality. 

Let's call on our government to get it done, and let love win. Sign here  

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