Tuesday, 19 January 2016

The flaring ailments :(

Not very well the last couple of days.

Yesterday I woke up after a full night of horrible nightmares feeling very depressed. Couldn't bring myself to even get up until about midday. The mood stuck with me all day. Let David know as usual that I wasn't the best company. He understands and I really appreciate that. The last thing I feel like in a state like that is someone trying to cheer me up because apparently humans are all supposed to live in a perpetual state of happiness :s

Today the mood is moderately better which is good.

However I woke up this morning with a massive pain in my foot. No swelling, but I guess it's the gout? The pills I've been taking for it have bought the swelling right down now to hardly anything at all, but this is a full on intense pain. Suppose the best I can do for it is to keep my legs up..... hmmmmm....... :)

Anyway the pain is sort of my whole foot but more intense around the ankle. Can't even hardly walk, just managing to get around the house. Is hurting so much the pain goes right up my leg past the knee even.

Did the dishes this morning as that's part of my domestic duties, as I'm just standing there in front of the sink. Was really hurting by the end of it though. I usually am quite light hearted with ailments but this pain is really getting to me today.


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