Friday, 22 January 2016

"We're inspired by god" - Vanilla terrorists, Oregon

The FBI has gotten involved belatedly now, whilst the small community there is at it's wits end. But the most bizarre thing presently I find about it is a quote from one of the nut jobs who've come there thinking they're on a mission from god.

It says a lot about how some over there worship the US "founding fathers" as like the biblical 12 apostles. Thus when they spat out the constitution, or amended the thing for the second time (ie the "second amendment") then they were speaking with about the same authority as a biblical author. 
“God wants us here, there’s a sense that’s beckoning and it comes from heaven,” militiaman Kelly Gneiting said. “We’re doing what’s right, we’re doing what the founding fathers would do because we’re inspired by God, also.” Raw Story
Fucks sake, what a complete load of crap. "A sense beckoning"? WTF? I feel a sense beckoning right now and it wants me to throw up. I must be getting inspired by god.

Of course this is nothing short of (vanilla) terrorism. What's the difference between armed Islamics saying they're doing god's will and these fuckwits?

Why are they called "militiamen"?

And am I the only one who's noticed, but every time I see a picture of them they're looking wistfully off into the distance. Like they're being inspired by the ranch, and god, and cows, and the founding fuckin fathers or some shit. And oh look, a flag flying behind them. Good grief.   

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