Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Been seriously depressed today

It's been building up for days I think. Where today I've spent most of it in bed, simply incapacitated from depression.

There's been a lot of things going through my mind lately. Am not happy at all with my daughter cutting me off and blaming me for her behaviour over the years after her mother died (my wife). In a few weeks it'll be the ten year anniversary of her dying. In a way I'm glad she hasn't been alive to see what our daughter did to me as it would've broken her heart, poor dear.

David and I want to get married but have presently just about given up hope of it happening any time soon. So we've chosen to go through the very romantic type thing of filling in a form and sending it off, paying $50 for the privilege of registering our relationship in NSW. This is simply because we can't get married. Perhaps one of us should ask the other "Will you be my registered partner?" :s   How absurd. My own daughter got married last year, but I can't.

The whole insane hijacking of Safe Schools by extremist politicians in the federal gov also went a long way to express just how powerless the LGBT still are in this country. The wacko lunar right extremists can still clobber us with their bigotry and hatred. I'm sick to death of the angry, bitter, white middle aged Catholic men in Canberra who want the world to conform to their 1950's ideology. Although calling it an "ideology" is probably too much of a complement. Self righteous, self absorbed wankers who think they're morally superior, whilst behaving immorally. After all, morality isn't a rule book, it's how you treat people. These people seem to take great glee in treating us badly. Slaming doors in our faces. Kicking us when we're down.

*sigh*  Anyway, not long before I see my psychologist. Thank fuck it's free.  


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