Thursday, 24 March 2016

Canberra ties itself in knots over gay marriage, while we watch appalled

How did such a simple thing end up in the disastrous mess that it's in today. If you boiled it all down there's one simple reason; politics. The parties are using our lives for politicking.

It's just bullshit. Even the Greens last week used it as a football. I wonder how straight people would feel having their right to marry used by the political parties in this way?
Meanwhile, polls consistently show that Australians support same-sex marriage, with this week's Essential Poll putting it at 64 per cent in favour. 

Analysis by Australian Marriage Equality also indicates that same-sex marriage would pass both houses of Federal Parliament if all MPs were given a free vote. 

So as federal politicians tie themselves in knots of yogic proportions, you have to wonder what the people watching at home are thinking. 

That is, if they're still tuned in. Sydney Morning Herald
Well I can tell you what we're thinking. We don't need any more debates or a plebiscite. We don't need any more politics. We want marriage equality to be treated with the respect that we deserve and our yearning for marriage recognised. All that's needed is a free vote by all and we could have marriage equality in Australia tomorrow. The community needs to be represented, not the opinions of politicians.

Somehow even that simple act appears to be too hard for our unrepresentative swill. 

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