Thursday, 10 March 2016

No energy, so tired lately

Been having a bit of a rough trot lately. Seems like everything is such a huge effort. Aches and pains, tired as hell. Having to go and lie down in the bedroom a lot through the day. Feeling a bit short of breath.

Think maybe it's the heat. Was up at the bus stop earlier and a lady came to stand there, looking even more out of breath and tired than me. Is probably affecting a lot of people. Last few summers have been relatively cool compared to this one.

The bedroom provides some relief as there's a cool afternoon sea breeze. That must be why I find it so pleasant in their in the heat of the day.

Haven't been to the doctor since December so I better make an appt soon. He'll start to wonder what's happened to me :)  Was due for a blood test last month but left it until this one. Just get so sick of going.  

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